By Guest on Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Category: General

Quick Tips for Preparing for Back-to-School

 View our quick tips!

  1. Visit your child's school ahead of time. Doing this will allow you the opportunity to get to know the teacher. Maybe ask to have a pairing session with a new teacher.
  2. Begin practicing arrival routine and classroom routines ahead of time. Circle the day school starts on the calendar. Begin waking up and going to bed on time.
  3. Create a social story tailored to your child's school/day.
  4. Facilitate playgroups with school mates. Schedule some play dates at the school playground. Share your child's interests with other children and parents.
  5. Let your child help shop for school supplies. While some teachers may list specific items and brands, allow your child as much choice as possible. Adding in choices as much as possible allows your child to feel in control of his/her experience. Increasing probability of he/she wanting to work, if the materials are preferred items!  
  6. 6. Color code and organize by class or subject ahead of time. Practice whatever organizational system you have chosen.
  7. Help your pre-teen or teen pick out a "cool" first day of school outfit ahead of time. Make sure there are no labels or tags that may cause sensory issues. 
  8. Stay calm. If something comes up, model calm behavior to show your child that staying calm when something unexpected happens is the key to enjoying the school year!